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Computer Engineering Concepts

1.7 Careers

As computer technology use becomes more and more common place in society, the career opportunities in this field will continue to grow. Not only is it important to have the ability to use computer technology, it is also important to understand the principles on which the technology works. This is important in order to participate in the future economy that will be more and more reliant on computer technology. Those with this understanding will be able to effectively create products and solutions to meet the needs of our society going forward. Some of these career opportunity areas are: computer repair technician, computer, network analyst, IT analyst, computer systems analyst, computer engineer, robotics engineer, embedded systems engineer, network cabling technician, data center technician, etc. Like most career pathways, computer engineering related careers will require education, skills, and a vision or a desire to work in this field.


In order to be successful in the the field of computer engineering related careers, it is important to develop the following essential skills in addition to technical knowledge:

Communication - The ability to communicate effectively is essential. Therefore, it is important to develop good reading, writing and oral communication skills. These skills are not only essential for education, but also essential in the workplace to learn, share ideas and work with others.

Numeracy - As already mentioned, the computer is a machine that does calculations. Therefore, a good understanding of mathematics is helpful in computer engineering. 

Problem Solving - The ability to problem solve in different ways is a key skill when working with computers. Troubleshooting hardware and software challenges requires problem solving skills. Problem solving skills are also essential for designing systems that are new products and services.

Teamwork - Computer technology jobs are usually collaborative in nature, where working with others to achieve the desired outcome is critical. In a project there might be some working on hardware, some working on software, some working on user interface layout, some working on testing, etc. Therefore teamwork becomes an essential skill for success.

Work Habits - The field of computer technology is constantly evolving with frequent new developments. Good work habits such as good time management,  interacting with others professionally, having a positive attitude, acting with integrity, etc.



Education is an important aspect of career development.  It shows potential employers an individual's investment of time and resources in a particular career pathway. It also provides potential employers with an independent third party assessment of knowledge in a particular area. Continuous learning helps to grow and develop in a career. The following are the three different areas educational growth opportunity.

Industry Certifications - Different manufacturers of equipment and industry standards organizations commonly offer training certifications opportunities. These certifications allow individuals to become familiar with products and demonstrate the ability of individuals to work with these products and services. Examples of industry certifications are A+, Cisco, AWS, Microsoft, Google, HP, etc.

College Diplomas - Colleges provided two year technician and 3 technology diploma programs the provide some theoretical background and significant hands-on experience to enter into the workplace to begin a career in computer technology.

University Degrees - University programs are usually 4 year for an undergraduate programs that focuses more on understanding the theoretical basis for computer technology. For example, a 4 year computer engineering program from an accredited university with 4 years of experience can lead to a professional engineer designation.

Learn on your own - In today's information age it is possible to learn many ideas and concepts on your own. This learning can be done via online study to gain insight and proficiency in a particular area. This is a great ways to learn when time and financial resources are limited.


An essential aspect of career development is the desire to grow and develop in the field. Clearly define your area of interest and work towards it. Learn concepts through education and develop essential skills that will help you secure a job in the field. Once you are working in the field it is important to continue the process of learning and skill development.  

Explore Further: Computer Engineering Related Careers

The government of Canada supports Canadians seeking employment through the Job Bank. The objective of this activity is to explore computer engineering related careers using the Job Bank.

Visit the Job Bank Click Here

Using the search find 5 computer engineering related jobs near you. For each position determine the requirement for the position.

Visit the Career Planning - Job Profile section of the site Click Here

Using the Job profile search find two computer engineering related job profiles that require apprenticeship training, college education and university education. For each job profile note down the following:

    • Wages
    • Prospects (Projected opportunities over the next 3 years)
    • Number of currently posted jobs
    • Requirements
    • Skills

Compare the requirements and skill for the job profile that you investigated with the essential skills and work habits outlined in the Ontario Skills Passport (OSP).

Use the information gathered to reflect on your career plan. What are some areas that you need to develop further to move towards your career plans? What career path would be a good fit for you?

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